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ADC chairman predicts Cong. Davis likely to lose June primary vote

By Joe Reed, Artur Davis trade barbs over gov. race

Montgomery, AL – - The chairman of the state's oldest black
political organization says U.S. Rep. Artur Davis can't win the
governor's race in November because the black congressman has
rejected black voters in the Democratic primary.
Davis has refused to appear before the three major black
political organizations in the state to seek their endorsements.
The Alabama News South Coalition has already endorsed his opponent,
Ron Sparks, for the Democratic primary June 1.
Reed's organization, the Alabama Democratic Conference, decides
on Saturday. Reed said Wednesday an endorsement of Sparks is not
automatic, but Davis definitely won't get it because he's not
asking for it. Davis has said black voters don't need the
organizations to tell them how to vote and that he won the
congressional seat despite their opposition.

- Democratic candidate for governor Artur
Davis says Joe Reed's criticism of him sounds like the same thing
Reed was saying in 2008 when he opposed Barack Obama for the
Democratic nomination for president.
Reed, the chairman of the black Alabama Democratic Conference,
said Wednesday Davis can't win the governor's race in November
because the black congressman has rejected black voters in the
Democratic primary.
Davis said Reed once stood for the proposition that race should
not preclude anyone from holding office, but now he keeps going
The Alabama Democratic Conference will announce its endorsements
Saturday in Montgomery. Davis' opponent, Ron Sparks, is seeking the